Monday 23 March 2009

Halloween UK

The film conforms to the generic conventions. Therefore i wouldn't change many aspects.
The main inconograpghy i would ensure is repeated in the film would be:
  • Knifes
  • Blood
  • Masked killer
Additionally i would keep the music at the beginning and the slow paced shots as they help to create tension within the audience.
However i would add more zoom outs as they create suspense.
Additionally i would also add some past paced sots in order to chock the audience.
I would also change some of the settings, e.g. isolated locations, where it is all dark.
This would be because audience now expect more from slashers and they want them to be more scary and to keep them at the edge of their seats.
The film follows most of the generic conventions therefore there wouldn't be much to change, however near to the end of the film i would try and make it more scary by adding tense music etc and slow paced shots where the camera is following the final girl.

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